Saturday, March 26, 2011


19 weeks

Hey Adrenaline Junkies,

So This workout is not for

We are going to be training Jenny through her pregnancy keeping her fit and healthy, then post pregnancy where we will be getting her back to her pre baby body!!! She is 19 weeks pregnant and has been an Adrenaline member for 1.5 years so her level of fitness is very high and can do more then an average pregnant women. We will be showing you ways that some of these exercises can be modified but please remember it is VERY important to consult with your physician before starting any exercise programs. I want this section of Adrenaline to be a great place for pregnant women to come and learn some tips, stay fit and relate to Jenny.

There are many reasons for staying fit during your pregnancy I have listed below just a few. However these alone should give you enough reasons to jump on board and feel at your best for this amazing experience in your life.

Being Fit & Pregnant :
- Will give you more energy (which is definitely needed ).
- Reduce pregnancy discomforts.
- Help prepare your body for the actual labour.
- Reduce stress and uplift your spirits (keeping away pregnancy blues).
- Help you sleep better at night.
- Improve your confidence and self-image.
- Help you reclaim that body of yours post baby.

So let your pregnant friends & family know what we are doing here so they don't miss out on all the great stuff we will be doing here at

Will be back next week with Jenny training with light weights and pelvic exercises.

Bye for now,

Team AxFit

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